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web project management software - AceProject Management Software

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AceProject Management Software

Easily Manage Projects, Tasks & People on your desktop, laptop, iPad or Phone. Customer results include:
•Reduce Time in Meetings by 50%
•Recover 1/hr/day per manager
•95% of deliverables completed on time (up from 39%)
•$40mm in savings in 6 months

About AceProject
 AceProject management software takes everything work throws at you, your projects, time commitments, your people's needs and requests, your information… and neatly organizes it in one easy-to-use program. AceProject represent a complete suite of management tools for the entire organization or a single manager. Tasks and projects, charts for project discussion, resource allocation, time cards, document management, dashboards, scorecards, analytics… it's all there - use as little or as much as you want.

AceProject represents a significant alternative to managing by email, task management, project management tools… and meetings. It doesn't limit you to a basic to-do list format like Base camp, nor does it overwhelm you with complexity like MS Project. AceProject helps you effectively save time and money by managing your Outcomes and Deliverable, as opposed to your to-do list and calendar. AceProject is project managing software that helps you manage it all with less effort, all while collecting information in a manner that results in a much more coordinated process for you, your team, your vendors, your customers.

Features Overview

•Project management

AceProject is a project management tool that helps organizations get organized using a collaborative approach. Each project can be configured with its own structure, allowing you to manage different types of projects in accordance with your needs. Furthermore, project templates can be defined and reused when creating new projects.

Professionals from various industries have substantially improved their projects efficiency since they chose AceProject. Architects, IT specialists, contractors, software developers and engineers are among our customers.

• Document sharing

A project often requires consulting additional documentation. Instead of emailing documents to multiple users and having issues with their antivirus or their inbox storage space limitations, you can simply upload the documents you need on AceProject’s servers. This way the documents are available to all assigned users to the project or task with the appropriate access rights. They can download the shared documents at anytime, from anywhere. You can even upload an updated version of a document.

Project documents are associated with a specific project while task documents are associated with a specific task in a project.

• Time tracking

Our timesheet module lets you enter hours worked on a project or a task. Following an approval request, a project manager can approve or reject the submitted hours. Finally, time reports can be generated in order to track worked hours.

There are two ways a user can fill time sheets

• Manually through the timesheet module.
• Automatically through the IN/OUT time clock module.

Once a time sheet is filled, the user can send an approval request to his/her project manager via the email notification system. Then, the project manager can approve or reject the time sheet.

Once time sheets are approved, project managers can see how much time each employee has spent on each project, thanks to time reports.

• Expense tracking

Our expense tracking module enables users to submit expenses for approval, in a project or a task. This is convenient for those who travel or purchase equipment and incur expenses that impact the total cost of a project or a task.

The usual procedure for expense approval and tracking is as follows

1. The user records the expense and attaches a supporting document (e.g. an invoice) to it, if necessary.
2. The user requests approval for that expense.
3. A user with the proper access rights approves or rejects the expense.
4. Expense reports can be generated thereafter, for tracking purposes.
        o Each user can view their own expenses.
        o Users with the "Can See Financial Data" access right can view all expenses in their assigned projects.
        o Users with the "Expense Approval" access right in a project can view and approve expenses in that    
        o Administrators can view and approve all expenses in the account.

AceProject also enables users to compare expense estimates and actual in projects and tasks. This helps avoid cost overruns as you can easily see if the actual costs are lower or greater than the estimates and take the appropriate measures accordingly.

• Collaboration

Our email notification system is among our customers' favorite features. It keeps you informed on the ongoing activity you are involved in, without having to be logged in AceProject 24/7. You can simply read the email notification details to be aware of changes. Email notifications are sent automatically, but can be cancelled if you feel a specific change does not require a notification.

Email notifications can be sent when

• A new task has been assigned to you.
• A task you are assigned to has been modified.
• A task you created has been modified.
• You receive a new message in "My Mailbox".
• You receive a time approval request.
• Your time-sheet has been approved/rejected.
• A successor task you are assigned can start.

Because we believe that tracking information efficiently is mandatory for all project managers, statistics and reports are among AceProject's specialties.
Statistics and reports enable users to monitor the activity within their organization and allow them to view the exact information they need, as specific as it might be. AceProject even has custom task reports, where you can set your own parameters.

• HR management

AceProject lets you manage all users in one account. Users can be employees, subcontractors, clients, telecommuters, or staff working at other branches. These users can all access your account simultaneously, from different locations, at any time, and each user can be allowed their own access rights.

Access Rights

when several people can access various projects and tasks in your account, you should decide which actions each user can perform. To help you, we have integrated well-defined access rights, so each user can have the appropriate privileges.
Get Collaborators Involved in your Projects in Seconds

While some companies can benefit from AceProject within their very team, our solution is also ideal for managing collaborators who work from remote locations. Whether your collaborators are employees, consultants, subcontractors, clients, telecommuters, or staff working at other branches, you need one unique place to centralize the activity. Moreover, to enhance user management, user groups can be created to separate users by team, department or occupation.

User Preferences

each user can customize his or her AceProject experience, without any impact on the account itself. For example:
• If you have employees who work at a branch located in another time zone, they can define their local time zone. Thus, all date references will be displayed in accordance with the user's local time.
• Each user can decide whether to receive email notifications, on specific occasions

• Mobile Access and Even More……
AceProject offers a mobile web application that is fully compatible with Apple's iPhone and iPad as well as Google's Android mobile devices and Blackberry 6.0+ (smartphones and tablets). Windows Phone 7 devices are not fully supported at this time, although they are compatible to a certain extent.

Basically, AceProject Mobile is a lightweight version of AceProject. The features it provides as well as navigation, interface layout and behavior have been optimized for both mobile devices’ and mobile users’ needs. AceProject users should not expect a mobile “carbon copy” of the software. AceProject Mobile aims at providing a gateway between their mobile device and their AceProject account. As a result, features we consider undated to mobile devices will not be added to the mobile version, the Gantt chart being such a feature.

AceProject Mobile provides the following features

• Project level: View, sort and mark projects.
• Task level: View, search, sort, mark, add, modify and delete tasks.
• Task documents: Download, lock, unlock and share task documents.
• A dashboard that provides a bird's eye view of the user's projects and tasks.
• My Preferences (change your email address and password, among other things).
• Time tracking: A time clock that lets you punch in and out of tasks.

At this time, we do not plan to launch an installable mobile application (e.g. an iPhone app available on the "Apple Store"). We want AceProject to remain a web-based software solution for smartphones and tablets as well as conventional computers (PC and Mac). Consequently, we put our efforts to make it compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Click Here to Visit AceProject Management Software Web Site


Unknown said... July 1, 2013 at 12:11 AM

Successful completion of project depends on using the effective technique. Project management software serves as a great tool to help us complete projects on time. Such software is the simplest tool that helps the project managers plan and manage different tasks that are involved in each project.

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