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Air Inflation system on vehicle

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This system is used for maintain the air pressure of vehicle and  you can use Air Inflation system on your vehicle.The award-winning Meritor Tire Inflation System (MTIS™) by P.S.I. is an automatic tire inflation system that keeps tires properly inflated. The system increases tire life, fuel economy and safety by helping to compensate for pressure losses resulting from typical tire punctures and other slow leaks. Unlike equalization systems that merely distribute air from one tire to another, or monitoring systems that simply tell when a tire has lost air pressure, MTIS uses compressed air from the trailer’s air system to inflate any tire that falls below a preset pressure whenever the vehicle is in operation.

You can see to the vehicle on right side of blog.Air Inflation system is not include in vehicle.
If system is include then vehicle can easily move.

Features and Benefits
Properly-inflated tires can maximize tire life, fuel economy and on-time deliveries; and lead to less trailer downtime and damage, while increasing safety.
ThermALERT’s unique thermal-equipped spindle plug uses new six-vent hubcaps that allow a path for air to escape. Its exterior-mounted LED indicator light offers longer life and increases driver visibility and awareness. And an instructional decal provides simple operating guidelines to driver

Longer useful tyre life
Avoids unplanned stops on account of punctures
Reduces considerably tyre wear and tear.
Increases safety on the road
Improves the meeting of schedules
Assists productivity and image
Optimizes fuel consumption.

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