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Blogger or Wordpress Who is the Best

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A constant debate is simply Blogger vs Wordpress. My quick post here is going to give you my personal opinion on it, with no technical info.

I would first like to say I currently like Blogger more than Wordpress. Read on to find out why.
Well, I like Blogger (for now) is because it's a lot more flexible when hosted by the default company. In, you cannot change the theme or install plugins. You can in Blogger. But of course when it's self-hosted, all that changes. Wordpress has millions of more features than Blogger, bigger userbase, better plugins. Blogger is great for small, quick posts while Wordpress is great (Amazing) for professionals and novices alike.

End? Use Blogger if you want the free hosting with more features on your blog. Have your own host? Wordpress is the only way to go.

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