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Earn Money From Your Blog

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There are several steps that need to be followed to convert your blog from source of information to source of income. If you want to earn money follow these.

Regular Updates - Your blog must have at least one blog post every week whether you get feed back or you don't . Your reader will loose interest if they do not see updates.

Promoting Your Blog- You shall let your target audience know that you exist on internet and are a valuable source of information . As you get a steady growth and targeted traffic to your blog , you have the the potential to make money out of it.

Space For Advertisements - As your blog grows you will need space for advertisements to make money out of it. You can earn from publishing pay-per-click advertisements or even directly selling some space to advertisers.

Promote Affiliation Marketing Programs -This can be a very valuable means to leverage your readership Join affiliate marketing programs with product that your target market may be interested in.You can promote and earn.

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