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Windows 8 Consumer Preview 8

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Windows reimagined and reinvented from a solid core of Windows 7 speed and reliability. It's an all-new touch interface. It's a new Windows for new devices. And it's your chance to be one of the first to try it out.

- Touch a full-powered PC. It's fast and it's fluid. Take natural, direct, hands-on control.
- Apps in Windows 8 work together to get things done faster. Get them from the Windows Store.
- Windows 8 can connect you to your files, photos, people, and settings, wherever you sign in.
- Internet Explorer 10 Consumer Preview brings you immersive web browsing on screens big and small.
- Still devoted to your mouse and keyboard? Windows 8 makes the tried-and-true feel brand new.
- Read this Windows Experience Blog entry for some tips on getting started with Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

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