It's a faith in technology.

Are you an audiophile Check this out!

Fruity Loops 9.06 XXL Producer Edition Released.

So if you are an audiophile and want to develop your own tempo's and music loop or if you are a professional like DJ or sound developer.
This edition will temp your dreams out, try it if you want to know more.

Secure Your WorkStation with Deep Freeze

Now its very easy to secure any workstation or server with Deep Freeze an amazing software that can render any system intact after every restart of the workstation itself.
Its smart integration capability can handle multiple threads and dumps and deletes any information or data downloaded on over the internet or any local hub once the deep freeze is enabled.

Control Your Internet Speed Try Netlimiter 3 beta 6

Netlimiter the ultimate bandwidth shaper.
NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool which enables to set download/upload transfer rate limits for applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic.

Winamp Media Player 5.56 Released

Enjoy Now MP3 in HD with Winamp Media Player 5.56 and Mp3 HD plugin developed by Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft and published by Sven Gordon.

Winamp Media Player Download.
MP3 HD Plugin Download.

Google OS Chrome v 1.8 Released

Step 1: Get this build of Chromium OS and follow the instructions to get it on a USB flash drive that is at least 4GBs big.

Step 2: Plug the USB flash drive into your PC and make sure that if you had an SD card in the SD card slot that it is removed. Boot up your PC while holding down the Esc key. Choose your flash drive as the boot drive.

Step 3: You should get a Chrome OS login screen. Login with username and password “facepunch.” Make sure to coose designated path.

Repair Internet Explorer Download Fix IE Utility V 1.0

If you frustrate to press Ctrl + Alt + Del to close your Internet Explorer and want to repair your Explorer tries feeing 406 Kb Utility. Fix IE Utility V 1.0 will be helps you to repair your Internet Explorer and gives you freedom from press CTRL+ALT+Del.

Block Your Ads From Your Mozilla Browser Download adblock

If you have problem with unwanted ads from you Browser now Mozilla Launch adblock, with the helps of this plugins you will be block your unwanted ads like image and Flash video to your Mozilla Browser and it's made you Mozilla faster and safer Download from given link Apply now and block your unwanted ads with the helps of adblock and get more speed.

Download Silverlight 4.0.41108 Beta

Microsoft made one of the world's latest Web browser plug the web animation, image and audio is available to you.

To enhance your internet experience a useful and important tool 7.6 MB in size.


List of Major Web Search Engines

On this post you will find some of the most important search engines of the web. You can menually add your blog or web site in this search engine. Submit your url in this search engines and get more hits for your blog or web site.

World Clock For Blogger

Today I am writing about world clock. Clock is widely uses by blogger in there blog but mostly they are showing system or local time but this clock can be show any time zone around the world. With this code you can show world clock in your blog.

Layout>Add a Gadget>HTML/JavaScript (Copy given code below and Paste it)

Note : Don't Remove or Change Code

Enjoy World clock.

Show 25 Recent Posts Gadget

Again I am writing on same topic but this is something difference from my last post about Make Animated Blog Archive. This tutorial is some thing different because this feature is now coming with blogger, so it’s an easy to use and also it's working fast.

Now see how you can add this gadget.

Sidebar shift bottom

What's your blog Sidebar also shift bottom in opera, mozilla firefox or in IE and you can't do any think. No We have solution for fix your sidebar on top. Just you have change some code and your blog sidebar will not appear on down.

Try to add float value to the sidebar..
Find this

Add Background Image in Blog Post

One Blogger ask me question "how to add an image as background in my blogger blog. ?"
and my Answer is Read you template code and crack this answer. you can also try to do something different from other blogger. Ok read my Background Image Post and Try to Change Background Image in your Blog.

First upload your image to some image host like tinypic,photobucket,etc..
Next, you have to add this code to your body css..
add this code below #body { Your background image will not move while you scroll up and down the page.

Post One Article in More then One Blog

If you have more then one blog and want to Post same article in another blog what you are doing if you have to post one article in more blog. It’s so simple and I think this is a new experience for all blogger and you can also handle more then one blog at a time so try posting one article in more then one blog.

Biggest blogging mistek

What would you say is the biggest blogging crime a blogger could commit? To name but a few there are pop ups, auto-plays, too much blink or ads and unoriginal, generic or plagiarized content.

I'd say my absolute worst has to be bad spelling. I can understand grammatical mistakes - my best friend V often looks at me witheringly and suggests that people who do not know the proper use of the semi-colon should not be using it at all (at which point I giggle and use them anyway). The thing is, grammar is often hard to pick up in a spell checker, whereas spelling is not.

99 Way to BOOST your blog traffic

Try 99 Tips for Improve your Blog Hits.

1. Join and Post your all post.
2. Sign up for Technorati and ping it when your blog content changes.
3. Use a ping service like pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators.
4. Submit your blog to all of the directories on Robin Good’s list of RSS directories.
5. Use trackbacks.

Join and Share Your Article With World

How Works.

As a user, you participate in determining all site content by discovering, selecting, sharing, and discussing the stories, news, videos, podcasts, and articles that appeal to you.

Submit your favorites. Find an article, video, or podcast online and submit it to Your submission will immediately appear in "Upcoming Stories," where other members can find it and, if they like it, IEDig it.

E-Mail Me Button on Blog

Its Very Simple and Use full tips for blogger. If Blooger want receive any mail from there mail box they can add E-Mail Me Button on there blog for visitors directly click on button and send mail Contact with Blog writer. Try this Code

Widget for Incresing and Decreasing Font size.

Setting of font size is always a big problem for blogger. We always found some blog having very small font or some blogger having very large font. In both of condition visitors Say thank and click on close button. They can’t see how your blog are interesting or not they directorial close your blog if they have any problem on your blog. In the web site you can see they have solution but in blog till today you don’t have any solution and I am giving you a solution a small piece of code for increasing and decreasing blog font size.

Visitors forced open your other blog

Today I am thinking about if People having more then one blog and they also want visitors to visit there another blog how they moves visitors for Visit there another blog. I try to solve this problem and I found the answer of this problem and now I am discussing with you. If you put banner of any other blog this is depend upon visitors if they want to go on your other blog they click on your banner else they can’t go but if you are using this code people must visit on you blog. Try this

Add PayPal Donation in Blog

What is PayPal?

PayPal is designed from the ground up to be a safer way to send money online.

Add Button For PayPal Donation.

If you want to earn extra money from you blog try PayPal Donation. PayPal is designed from the ground up to be a safer way to send money online. Lots of Blogger are using this technique to earn money. First you have to create one PayPal Account for Accepting Donation. sign up here!

It is so easy to keep this widget. Just Copy gives code below and Paste it in your Blog.

Show No of Article and No of Comment

How do you write articles? How does Comment Your Blog? What you want to show in our Blog . If so, a change in the code below and all the things you can show in your Blog . It is interesting. If you are Honest , want to show the real things to your Readers. Try this code it’s a good Weight.

Copy Given Code

Social bookmarking Site List

What is Social bookmarking?
Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata.

How social bookmarking Work?
In a social bookmarking system, users save their blog or web site links to web pages that they want to remember and they share. These bookmarks are usually public, and can be saved privately, shared only with specified people or groups, shared only inside certain networks, or another combination of public and private domains. The allowed people can usually view these bookmarks chronologically, by category or tags, or via a search engine.

Remove Post Comments (Atom) From Blog (Blogspot)

In my Last post we know about how can we give Blog to web site look and the next steps of my new post you will see again one other Template Hack about Remove Post Comments (Atom), For Web site look also we have to remove this link Now see How we Remove Post Comments (Atom).

Layout>Edit HTML>Expand Widget Templates
Clrl + F (and Search any Part of given code below)

<b:includable id='feedLinks'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'> <!-- Blog feed links -->
<b:if cond='data:feedLinks'>
<div class='blog-feeds'>
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>

After finish your Search delete given below Line.
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>

Save your Template.

Remove Newer Post, Older Post, Home Post Links From Blog

Always we want to modify our blog to give some new look and today I am writing a nice Template hack. Lots of big companies are using blogspot for their company Information Web site. Its really great Idea to make Company web site and some time we saw they make their Blog similar like web site. We can also make our blog like Web site.

If you want to give your blog as web site look you have to remove Home, Older Post, and Previous Post. Its very simple follows some steps.

Layout>Edit HTML>Clrl + F (and Search #blog-pager-newer-link)
Match all code give below.
Find This
#blog-pager-newer-link {
float: left;
#blog-pager-older-link {
float: right;
#blog-pager {
text-align: center;
Replace With This

#blog-pager-newer-link {
display: none;
#blog-pager-older-link {
display: none;
#blog-pager {
display: none;
Save You Your Template and Enjoy New look.
Please Put Your Comment for this Hack.

Bookmark us! Add in Your Blog

What is benefit of adding bookmark us button on site? Bookmark Us! Button Save Your Visitors time to type long url on explorer, Using Bookmark Us Button you can also get some more hits, Visitors Can Remember your site for re-visit on your site. If your blog or site is valuable for visitor they want to again visit on your site. They want to Bookmark your site. Using Bookmark us button I get Lots of benefit.

Generate Bookmark button on your site-allow your site visitors to save you site in “Favorites” list. Built easy and quickly Bookmark button for your Site.


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