DTSI stands for Digital Twin Spark Plug Ignition. The vehicles with DTSI Technology use twospark plugs which are controlled by digital circuit. It results in efficient combustion of air fuel mixture. Digital twin spark ignition technology powered engine has spark plugs at either sides of the combustion chamber. Engines powered by DTSI technology will have greater combustion rate because of twin spark plugs located around it. DTSI technology enables the engine to combust fuel at double rate than normal, this enhances both engine life and makes it fuel-efficient i.e. better as regards mileage.Aside of making the engine fuel efficient, the technology also enriches the power of the bike. The technology also results in smoother operation, adjusts the engine to varied temperature fluctuations and makes the motorbike resistant too breakdown. Overall, the bikes with the technology are supposed to live longer, run smoother with high fuel efficiency.
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