If you have had your computer for a long time, you would have noticed that it’s not as fast as it was when you first had it. There are a lot of things that can cause your computer to deteriorate in terms of speed. However, it doesn’t always mean that you need to replace it with a new one already. There are ways in which you can boost the speed of your computer.
1. Spyware and adware scanners – computers that are connected to the internet are at risk of getting spyware and adware. These are programs that are sent by some websites to your computer when you have surfed through their site. They can eat up the memory by running in the background and internet usage, slowing down your computer as well as your internet connection. The worst thing about these malicious programs is that they can take note of things that you do with your computer and said it back to their main site.
Installing spyware and adware scanners can help detect this type of software in your system and notify you of any infection. They will also help boost your computer by removing any threat found.
2. Regularly clean computer registry – the computer registry is where configurations, settings and keys of different programs are located. This includes system files and other items that make your computer and other installed programs run. In time, it can be filled up with obsolete keys and damaged files, which may have been left behind by uninstalled programs, adware and/or spyware. Any damage in your computer registry can affect the performance of your computer.
Installing a registry cleaner can help sort out files that are no longer needed in the registry, like obsolete keys and other items, and remove them. It will also repair damaged parts in your registry to ensure optimal computer function. We recommend using <a href="http://www.regcare.org">RegCare</a> to run a free scan and fix those errors.
3. Regularly defrag hard drives – normally, your computer stores fragmented files in its hard drives. This means files are saved by parts and not as a whole. The parts of these files are placed in different areas in the hard drive, slowing down your computer when you need to access these files. When fragmented files pile up, it would take much longer for your computer to find the parts needed and will even result to errors.
Defragmenting involves running a system tool in your computer, which helps organize the parts of different files, placing them adjacent to each other. This allows easier and faster access to the needed files. Make sure to defrag your hard drives regularly.
4. Uninstall unused programs and delete unnecessary files – unused files and programs still occupy space in your computer’s memory. The more files you have, the slower your computer will get. It would be wise to sort your files and removes ones that you no longer need. This can free up significant disk space to improve the speed of your computer.
Guest Post By : Dan Despot
Web Site : RegCare
Thanks a lot for wonderful trips. It is helpful for me.
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