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You can connect most of your USB modem's to the internet. Normally this software differs from one modem to another.Sending and receiving sms, stats of your internet connection, create contacts you can even recharge your account.

If you are going to install Mobile Partner, the first thing you have to do is to download this file from download link.
Then if your file is in your home folder you can extract it by typing this in a terminal.sudo su tar xzvf MobilePartner.tar.gz

After that plug in your Huawei HSPA USB modem. Then go into the folder named Mobile Partner, and run the install script. To do that type this in a terminal. Make sure that you enter your user name /home/username/MobilePartner bash install

After the installation reboot your pc. If it is installed correctly it will automatically be launched when your Huawei HSPA USB modem is plugged in. If it doesn't pop up, sorry your modem doesn't support this version of Mobile Partner.

If it pops up go to TOOLS – OPTIONS and edit the setting according to your service provider and then click on connect.
I didn't really do any changes in the setting. I just clicked on connect and it did.

Operating system
-Windows XP
-Windows 2K
-Windows Vista

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